A trade-off between meeting preset deadlines and mastery of the material.

Rutgers University Center for Teaching Advancement and Assessment Research’s Twitter often posts great articles! See this tweet about The Atlantic‘s on focusing mastery of skills over meeting (e.g., degree, semester, exam) deadlines.

Fear of Mistakes

Instructors often take on many roles. One of which is being a parent to the students, and like every parent, we often fear allowing our students make mistakes. Our fear is somewhat rational, however, because mistakes influences their grades, mistakes uses valuable time covering the same content, and mistakes impacts students’ motivation. For a more lengthy discussion, view this article: Are We Afraid to Let Students Make Mistakes? by Dr. Maryellen Weimer.

A Tip to Help Struggling Students

Because higher education demands large classrooms of students, the struggling students often slip through the cracks. Dr. Micah Sadigh, a professor at Cedar Crest College, has found great success in: A Simple Invitation: Please See Me! to encourage to have one-on-one meetings with him!

What are the top five teaching challenges?

The top five teaching challenges according to Reader Survey are:

  1. Students arriving to class unprepared
  2. Students unprepared for the intensity of college
  3. Budget cuts
  4. Motivation
  5. Technological distractions

Read more at: Reader Survey Finds Unprepared Students a Persistent Problem